居宝胜 jubs

jubs pushed to dev_v2 at GoldenTech/koyo_crm

2 months ago

jubs pushed to dev_v2 at GoldenTech/koyo_crm

  • 5c8c92bd02 聊天室保证刷新后,滚动条在底部

2 months ago

jubs pushed to dev_v2 at GoldenTech/koyo_crm

2 months ago

jubs pushed to dev_v2 at GoldenTech/koyo_crm

2 months ago

jubs pushed to dev_v2 at GoldenTech/koyo_crm

2 months ago

jubs pushed to dev_v2 at GoldenTech/koyo_crm

2 months ago

jubs pushed to dev_v2 at GoldenTech/koyo_crm

2 months ago

jubs pushed to dev_v2 at GoldenTech/koyo_crm

2 months ago

jubs pushed to dev_v2 at GoldenTech/koyo_crm

  • 9e9caccdd2 (1) 聊天室上的 × 由原先的退出概念 变更为 隐藏(列表不展示) (2) 发送信息,在原先功能的基础上,增加 将该聊天室下的所有人 每个人对于该聊天室 变更属性 为显示,确保有新信息时,即使隐藏了该聊天室也能即使看见

2 months ago

jubs pushed to dev_v2 at GoldenTech/koyo_crm

2 months ago

jubs pushed to dev_v2 at GoldenTech/koyo_crm

2 months ago

jubs pushed to dev_v2 at GoldenTech/koyo_crm

2 months ago

jubs pushed to dev_v2 at GoldenTech/koyo_crm

2 months ago

jubs pushed to dev_v2 at GoldenTech/koyo_crm

2 months ago

jubs pushed to dev_v2 at GoldenTech/koyo_crm

2 months ago

jubs pushed to dev_v2 at GoldenTech/koyo_crm

2 months ago

jubs pushed to dev_v2 at GoldenTech/koyo_crm

2 months ago

jubs pushed to dev_v2 at GoldenTech/koyo_crm

2 months ago

jubs pushed to dev_v2 at GoldenTech/koyo_crm

2 months ago

jubs pushed to dev_v2 at GoldenTech/koyo_crm

2 months ago